Friday, December 21, 2012

Husband is on a dating site! HELP!

Dear jenna, I got married Oct. 2010. I'm 6 months pregnant. I LOVE my husband and he is so good with my daughter that I had previously and such a great provider and family man. However I just found out he joined a dating site 3 months ago. And he still emails with his ex girlfriend. But she lives out of state. I am really worried about this. My husband should not be on a dating website when he is married and has a pregnant wife. Please help!
~Sam the worried-wife

Dear Sam the worried-wife,
If you love your husband, show it. I'm not saying that you don't show it, but talk to him, something more could be bothering him. Husbands need attention just as much as the wife- sometimes more though because guys are sensitive and when it comes to affection they want it much more. You'd be surprised. Congratulations on being pregnant. Due to the fact that you are 6 months pregnant, i'm guessing there is a lot of mood swings from hormones and you are tired all the time. It's completely normal and understandable. If this is your husbands first child, then he may not be used to all of this. Just make time for him every night, talk about your day, watch a something with each other once a night so you have alone time. Bring up to him that you noticed that he has a dating account and that he still talks to his ex- tell him that bothers you deeply. He will understand. It's not normal for a married man to have a dating website, maybe he is just interested in having new friends to talk to...which is why i suggested having alone time once a night. Share stories and listen to each other. As far as him talking to his ex goes, no one is a fan of that, but a lot of relationships end and they stay friends. If he's talking to her everyday, it's not cool, but that all may stop once you both start communicating and you have confronted him on the situation and let him know its bothering you.

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