A few things
I feel so sad and depressed(not seriously though) its because my parents are so strict that if i even say i like a boy ill get in trouble. But there is a guy i im in love with. How can i tell them without getting in trouble. Or without them saying that im trying to grow up too fast. Also how can i get my crush to talk to me first. At my school if you just talk to someone out of nowhere they automatically say that you like that person. I cant talk to him without caring about what other people think because i am military raised and am used to saying what i feel through bad words and my brother who is serving in the troops. I would talk to him if i went to my old school. Please please please help me. I dont want my parents to relize and ask why im so sad and depressed. Please please please please please please please please please help.
-MAD MAD MAD MAD MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear MAD MAD MAD MAD MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your parent's are only trying to look out for you. depending on how old you are, that's why they may seem like they are mad, but they aren't mad. They just think you are too young to be feeling a certain way yet.
Now to the boy.. you said you are "in love with him" why? Make a list of the things you love about him, and then you will realize that you are not in love with him, you just have a very big crush on him. You can't be in love with someone you have never talked to. It's almost like a celebrity, for example Justin Beiber, a lot of girls are "in love" with him, but how can they be? If they have never talked to him and only heard him singing they can't know if they love him. They think he is great looking and has an amazing voice, there obsessed because they have a crush on him, but no one knows what Justin is truly like outside of his singing world. You don't know what this crush of yours is like outside of your classroom because you have never attempted to say a word to him. I know how it feels when people instantly say "oh she's talking to that boy, she likes him" and yes, it is embarrassing, but what can you do? If it's not true, it's not true, but never let some one's annoying harsh words get the best of you. I know it's a hard, but you can't care about what people say or think about you. In reality, everyone does, and if someone says something about you talking to this boy, just ignore it and blow it off, that's the best thing you can do. People try and get reactions out of people, which is why they say things but if you ignore it and don't acknowledge that anything was said, it annoys them.
As far as a way to getting to talk to this boy goes, i would sit next to him in class, or ask him if he has a pencil or pen, ask him what the homework was or if he gets the classwork you are doing or if he can help you with any of it. There are so many ways to approach a conversation, you just have to keep in mind that you can't care what others will say about you. If you are happy, I'm sure your parents will be happy too, just don't get attached to this boy so easily, you are young and it's a little puppy love crush, chances are that this will not last forever, you will have many relationships throughout your lifetime and they will all teach you something, and you learn from them all until you find Mr. right and end up marrying him.
Good luck!
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